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ACommnentary uponthe G el \:Chap.i:. raculonfly, and without mans help. But if no mother, knows the manner other natural' Conception ; what prefumption (ball itbe for flefh and blood, to (earth how the Sonneof God took flefh of his creature? It is enough for us to know, that hewas conceived ofthe holy Ghoft,not irAermatically, but operatively, yet fecretly and myflically, the Virgin her felfe knew not how. Fearfully and wonderfully he was made, and curióufly wrought in the loweff parts of the earth.Pfal. x39.t4,15. with Ephef. 4.9. Verfe at. eflndAe fhald bringforth a Sonne j Shiloh theSon of her fecundices : that Sota,,that Eve made account fhehad got, when fhe hadgot Cain : For, laid fie, l have gotten a mastfrona theLord. Or as others read it ( and the Original rather favours it ) I have gotten the man,the Lord. But how fare fhewas deceived, the iffáe preyed. Fallitnrangurio ffres bonafapefoe. Hope comes halting home many times. e"fnd thou halt callhis name Ieftee Not of 'tzóuae to heale, as fome Helleniflr would have it : Although it be true that he is le- Eiod., ç.i6. hovah Rophe, the Lord the Phyfician,by wholefripes weareheal- ed : ButofIafhang, whence lehofl,uah, Iefus. Two in the old Te_ flament had this name. The first when he was fent as a fpy into Canaan, Numb. 13.16. had his name changed from Ofhea, Let God fave, to Iehofhua, Goe&lball five. Under the Law ( which bringsus as it were into the wildernes of S I N) we maywith therewere a Saviour : but under The Gofpel we are lure of falva_ Lion, fish our Iehofhuahhath bound himfelf to fulfill all righteouf- nes, and had therefore this name impo(èd upon him at his circum. cifion. For he aflutned it not to himfelf ( though knowing theend ofhis coming, and the fullnefleof hisfuiìiciency, he might have done it) nor received it from men,but fromGod; and that with great folemnity, by the miníftery of an Angel, who talked with a woman about our (alvation, as Satan fometime had done about our deflru&ion. For he !hall five hit people from theirfinnes ] This is the no- tationand Erymon,or reafon ofhis name,7efia ; Acame above alt Geer- .Itf..4. names, Phil 2.9. riQ, faith the HeathenOratour, is a word fo "n ;Alum. emphaticall, that other tongues can hardly finde aword fir to ex- prefle it. Salvation properly notes the negative part of a Chri- füans happinefle : viz. pretervadon from evil; chiefly from the evil of fin, (which is the mother ofallour rnifery :) from the dam- ning and domineering power thereof, by his merit and Spirit, by his