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Chap.2. according to St MAT r H avv, an horrible treafon againft his naturall Prince,and native countrey, he fec forth his book ofChri(? ian Rd(olution ; as if k had be, n wholly madeof devotion. So Garnet (a littleafore the Puwder- plot was di(covered)wrote to thePope,that he would lay his corn tnand uponour Papifts, toobey their King, and keep chemfelves quiet. Herod here,when he was whetting his fword, yet promi- fed devotion,(aith Chry(ftom. A fair glove upon a foul hind. The Panthers skin is faireft, but his friend(hip is fatali, and his breath infectious. The above- mentioned Garner, upon a treadle of Equi vocation plaifteredon this title, ATreatifeagainft lying,andfrau- dulent difmulation. Verle 9. And lo,the Star, A Star either new created,or,at leali. wife,flrangely carried : for it (lands one while, moves another, ap- pears in the lower region, is not ob(cured by the beams of the Sun t to that tome have thought it was an Angel. It moved (lowly, as might be belt for the pace and purpofe of chefe Pilgrims. Till it ca r:e,and flood ove > where the young childew<u.] They (hew (till at Belt lebcm a littlehole over the piace where our Sa- viour was born ; thorow which,;the Star fell down to the ground. But who will not conclude,but there wasa vertigo in his head,who dr(t made a Scar fubjeft to the fallingfìckneire ? Verle to. When they (w the Star] The fight whereof they feem to have loft, when they turned out of the way (it led them td feruflem. But this text is excellently paraphrafed and applied by Bihop Hooper, Martyr, in a letter ofhis,written to one Mrs Anne Warcup,in tilde words : Such as travelled to finde Chrifir, fol- lowedonly the Star : and as long as they few it, they were afftired they Were in the right way, and hadgreat mirth in theirjourney. But When theyentredintoyeretf lem ( Whereas the Star led them not thither,but unto Bethlehem) and there ask d the Citizens the thing that the SrarJliewed before : As long as they tarried in ye- ruflem,andwouldbe inftruëtedWhere C'hri ft? was born, they were not only ignorant ofBethlehem, but al fo loft the f q-ht of theStar, that led them before. whereof We learn in any cafe, Whileft We be goingtofeek Chrift,Which is above, to bewareWe loft not the Stztr ofGods word, that only is themark thatJhews its where Chrifi is, andwhich way We may come unto him. Butas feruf lem .íbood in theway,and was an impediment to there wifemen : fo loth the Sy- nagogue of Antichriff ( that bears the name of J,rufalem, that is, the vifion ofpeace, and among thepeople now u called the Catho- C4 ..uando glo. d art aeuebat, aevoraone,n pro ,ittebat. Solin. cap. 15 7, flnzelur i>a fe cefyderu raw P..r. Fullerr Hi(fo. ry of Holy 1Var. Ail. acrdMort.