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28 A Commentary upon the Geld. Chapa. man;a fhort madnefle,as we fee in Saul,whom the Devilpofieft by Gen 4.i ;. this pafíion,Eploef.4. i 7. inLamech,who flew a man in his heat,and Plutarch. boafted of' it : as Alexander Pheretes confecrated the Javeling wherewith he flew. Polyphrox : in David, who fwore a great oath iChrona s.r. what he would do to Nabal,by fuch a time : And when Vzziah was imitten,for his carting the Ark,how untowardly fpake he ? (fo did 7oxas coo) as it the fault were in God, (doggs in a chafe'orne- times bark at their own mailers.) Laly,inTheodoliitesat TheQ'a- lonica,wherebeing enraged at the flaughter of certain Judges, flaM dui noa mo- by fedition, he did to death at hand of (even thoufand men. An- ger begins in raihneff, abounds in tranfgreflìon, Prov. 29. 22. t,feElami 1u ends in repentance. 7onathax therefore role from the table in e/fe dolor quad fua/erit fierce anger, a Sam,2o.34, and to prevent furthermifchief, w..nt , t5 meat. Horn into thefield to 'hoot ; And IAhafhuerofh, to (lake the fire of his wrath conceived againfl Haman, walked intohis garden, ere he pronounced any thing again(! him, Eftl.7.7. Melia ell He All the children] His own fon alto : which Angieflue Cærr radii efSe par. hearing of, f aid, It werebetter be Herods twine then his fon. So cu qua% fi Philip Kingof France, ventured his eldest fon twice in the wars e un. ,'iacrob. againft thole ancient Proteflanrs, the e,4lbigenfes, at the fîege of tit s. Sjrnra. Tholoufe. And PhilpK. of Spain, fuffered his eldefl fon Charles co 4. to be murdered by the k I n uifition, because he Teemed to fa- Rtgardus. Y truc 9 B4¡ranur trap. your Lutherans : For which, that mouth ofblafphemy, the Pope Getam frttrem gave him this panegyr,Nos pepercit filio r o,frd dedit pro nobis,He funaa marrie !pared not his own ion,but gave him up for us. pe1ue multo According to the time which hehaddiligentlyenquired] Some uadantea guine obtrun thinke, thewife men came before the Purificaion, but Epiphantua e..b3r,'un qui- will have it well-nigh twoyears after. Herod was curious in the dear ate claraa- fearch, that he might make Pure work : but Cod defeited him. I ret, Mater,¡er kept the ban-dogs at slavesend ( faith .Nicol. Shetterden,Marcyr) H iron r `ri r. not as thinking co elcape them, but that I would fee the foxes leap > - above ground for mybloud,ifthey can reach it,&c. Berra. Vcrfe 17. Then was fillfi!lyd that which was Sfi 9lßn ] Fulfil- Ad. and &soy. lingof Proph cies is a convincing argument of the divinity of the fol. *sae. Scriptures. Al lei had fore -told, that God Ihould dwell between ycu:. ;;.t:. Benjamins fhoulders. This was fìa'filled 44o years after,when the Temple was let up in the Tribeof Benjamin: fo the prophecies Qf the comingof Chrift ,and ofAntichrift, and others in the Bevela- tion,which we feedaily accomplished. Verle 18. Lamentation, weeping andgreat mourning] How impatient