Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.3. according to St M A T T H a v V. 45 joy, ¡eh.3.29;3o. To rcjoyce in thegood parts ofothers,though it eclipfcth thy light, and that from the heart, this is indeed to be able to do more then others : this is to excell others in any excel- lency whatfoever, if this be wanting. Whofefhoes I amnet Worthy tobear.] Chrift thought John wor. thy to lay his hand on his holy head in bapti£me, who thinks not himfelf worthy to lay his.hand under Chrifts feet. The more fit Non o any man is for whatfoever vocation, the leffs he thinks'himfelf. able to! ` .nera. Who am 1 ? faid Mofes, when he was tobe lent toEgypt: where- bitibus ?elms as none in all the world was comparably it for that embeffage. metrame iarr, Not only in innumerable other things am I utterly unskilful!, &c, sPi. faith S, Aagutline, but even in the holy Scriptures themfelves cap.z (my proper profcffion) the greateft part ofmy knowledge is the Ego inparvo leaft part of mine ignorance. I, in my little cell, faith Hierarn, tugarioio, cum msaachi,,i.e.cü with the refit of the Monks my fellow. (inners, dare not deter- eorpeccarariba mineof great matters. This is all I know, that I know nothing, xa ,,,aLnie faid Socrates: and Anaxarchus went further, and laid, that he flatucrenenàu. knew not that neither, that it was nothing, that he knew. This deo E ?ij?.ad is the utmoßof my wifdom (laid David Chytrcuts) that I fee A "O. my felltobe without all wifdome. And if I would at any time `QaaaSare delight my fell in a fool, faith Seneca, I neednot leek farre,I have kt id quire¡ci. niy felf to turn to. Thus the heavieft cars of corn ftoopmoils to- re, quad nihi( ward the ground : Boughes the more laden they are, the more fcirer.Tute 3,. low they hang : and themore dire& the Sunne isover us, the lefh: itirekb, .1dar ., is our fhadow: So the more true worth is in any man, the leffe sZ3. fare9" fell conceitedneffe ; and the lower a man is in his own eyes, the deleclari voto, higher he is inGods. Surely John Baptift lcfl nothing by his hu- mility and modefty here : for our Saviour extols him to themul querendra efE, titude, Math. i r. and there are that doubt not to affirm (where me video.: Sçrt; they have it I.knownot) that for his humility on earth, he is uod fi expar. dignified with that place in heaven, from whence Ltacifcr fell tealiquid didí. Sure it is, That he that humbleth himfelf fhall be exalted. If cerini, tarn etn men reckonus as we let felves, God values us according to our a- tatitedinie in- bafamelits. The Church was black inherown eyes,fair in Chrifts, telleíltr,, Profe Cam. t.5 -15 ainibitrne :n. With the holy ghofi, andWithfire.]: That is with that fiery toe ifcäuí. holy Ghoft, that fpirit of judgement and ofburning, wherewith riperite, the filth ofthedaughters ofZion to Wafliedaroa , I fa, ,4, that they Tanri erie allie, mayrefcapc that angtienebablefrre,mentioned'in theverle next foi- quanti rill f . lowing. This fire of the fpirit muff befetht from heaven, - erpia 600, J V '