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Chap.; according to St M A 'r T H >? VV . 49 Worketh abomination ; Heaven fpewed out the Angels in the fist} R` V s 1. 7. at of their Apóftacy ; and albeit the devil could fcrue hitnfelf into igh'XtrY4.4 of Paradife, yet no_uncleanferfon (hall ever enter into theKingdom d46"3"Q °' ofHeaven. Without (hall bedoggs,andevil-doers ; no dirty dogge Revs1.8. doth trample on that golden pavewent,no,drofïe is with that gold., nochaff with that wheat ; but the fpirits ofjuft men made perfe5t, amidft a panegyric of Angels, and that glorious e4mphitheatre, Heb. t 2.12. In the ínean while, Dei frumentum egofum ( maye- rgastiur. very good foul fay, with that Father) I amGods Wheat : And al- though thewheat be as, yet but in the ear, or but in theblade, yet when the fruit is ripe, he will put in theficle(becaufe the harvefi is Mark.4a8, come,) and gather his wheat intohis barn,into his garner. It doth 29. the husbandman good at heart to fee his corn come forward, spec alit aari. though the harvef be not yet. colas,¡edadbus But will burn up the chaff' unquenchablefire.] Inrefer- herbs ne ' p Íf 9 fi ] barba è¡l. énce to the cultomofthole countries, which was,to caft their chaff into thefire. But this(alas) is another manner offire then that. A Metaphorical' fire doubtleffe, and differs from materiali fire. r. In refpeft of the violence, for it isunfpeakable, a.Of the durance, for it is unquenchable ; 3. Of¡ilumination,fòr though it burn violent- ly to their vexation,yet it (bines not to their comfort. 4 O opera- tion, for it confumes not what it burneth ; they ever fry, butnever die ;vivere nolunt,morinefciunt theyfeek,death,6ut fände it not, as thofe Rev.o.6. A juft hand of God upon them ; that they that once might have had life, andwouldnot, nowwould have death, andcannot. Verfe 13. Then cometh Iefmc fromGalilee] Our Saviour came far tofeek his baptifine. Let not us thinke much of any pains taken, that we may partakeof theOrdinances.The Shunammitewent(or- 't {i!'>; 4z3 dinarily) every Sabbath andnew. moon, on horsback, tohear the Prophet The good people in Davids titne,pafedthorow the val- ley of Baca, from ftrength to ttrength, to fee the faceof "God in Sian,though.but in that dark glaffe ofthe ceremonies. And inDa- Dan. rs,q. niels time,.thty ran to and froto increafeknowledge. InZecharies . daies, the inhabitants of one City went to another, faying, Let IN go ofeedily topray befire the Lord, and tofeek the Lord ofbuff : Zech.8.2r. Jwill goalto. Our Saviour took it ill, that men came not as far to Mat.' z. hear hinx,as the Queen ofSheba did tohear Salomon. The Eunuch Aas 8. came as far to worfhip in the Temple. Andof our fore-fathers in K. Henry the eights time, M. Fox faith thus : To feetheir travels, earneft