Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap,4 according to St M A T T It E V v. eflnd Vtith their hand., they [hall lift thee up, let, &c. ] As Pa- rentsufe to lift their little ones over rough and foul waies : Or, as Inminus: daft fervants in an houfc love to get up into their arms their young rboni, óßg ßeá mallet.. In Chrrft and for Chrüt, they count it their greateft qut o ate. glory, todoe us any good office for foul or body : they fave us quad,eftaturi from the foul fiends, that elfe would worry us. Thefe walk a- merostBez,Fu bout as Lions to devo it us, wlides alive, and to hinder our paf- fage toheaven, when we die : the other, as guardians, to keep us here, and to convey and condo& us thorow the devils ter- ritories ( who is Prince of the air) when we gee hence to hea- ven, in defpite of the evil Angels that would intercept us, Luk,tF.aa. Left thou dash thy f of againßa f one ] Oh the tender care ofour heavenly fatht r 1 He is fo kinde, and (in the belt fenfe) fond o- ver his little ones, that he cannot abide the cold winde thould blow upon them (as we fy) and hath therefore commanded, That the Sun (hall notfinite themby day, nor the Moon by night, yea, PCal, r at S. which way foever the winde fit, it mu"l blow good to his...."frife, Cinc.+. 46. O North, and, blow, O South, uponmy Beloved, chat her .Fice.t may flora firth. What fo contrary as North and South- winde, cold and hot, moift and dry, c ? Yet both mutt blow good to Gods beloved. Well might God exalt his love above that of naturali Parents, which yet is vvonderous great, faith the Pfalm- it}, Pfat.Io3.I a. Verfe 7. 7efiu anfzneredand r,;id, It is I'brirrenagain ] Chrifi re- jel{s not theholy Scriptures ( although p rvea feiy aliedged and abafed by Satan) but openeth them, by layingone place to ano- ther. So did thofc holy Levites in Nehemiah, and S. Past in the eATh. Parallel texts ( like gl {Es) fet one a ainft another caft N:h^m. s,,. a mutuall light. An i as the Lapidary rightneth his hard dia vide ,U tium. mond with the duet fhaved from it felf : So truft we clear Ad.g ' hard Scriptures, by whets that are more plaine and per- Gtr'Co /ai. fpieuous. maniademon- Thoufbalt not tempt the Lord thy Cod, ] Trutt him we met, ftraw. tempt him we may nor, Now God is tempted, either when men are toomuch addiaed to the means, as Thonom : Or, when they reje& them, as t lhaz; who refufed a film, and ran to un- lawfullmeans, hiding all under this, IWi(l not tempt rod. Hea- 1Cr rr thenscould fay, iIdmotámanu invocanda eft Minerva ; and they noted him for a fooli(ih Carter, that when his Cart "tuck fall, F a cri.d 67