Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

Chap.4. aecordiog to Se MATT R E VV. ofit are full offraud. It promifeth (as thedevil here) great mat- ters, but paieth, pro the(aura carbones, in (leadof mines,cole-pits. Captain Forbifber, in his voiage to difcover the Straits, being toiled up and down with foul weather, fnows and unconitant windes, returned home, having gathered a great quantity of Roues, whichbethought to be minerals. From which, when therecould be drawn neither gold nor flyer, nor any oth;.r me- tal], we have Peen them calf forth ( faith M. Camden) to mend the high-waies. Howoft do the devil and the world give men (tones and ferpents in (lead offishand bread, even the bread cf de- ceit, that proves gravel! in the teeth ? How oft are they difap- pointed that hunt after lyingvanities, andfofirfake their own mer. ties, as Ions freely acknowledged, for it had like to have coft him a choaking ? What got Balaam by running after his wages ofwickednefle, but a fword in his ribs ? Achan by his wedge,but _ the (Iones about his ears ? Iud&by his thirty pieces, b, t the hal- ter about. his neck ? Cranmer by his fubfcription , abut fuck a wretched condition, as that there War left him neither hope ofbetter, ror place ofworfe, as Colecould fay in a Sermon, at his recantation? Manyof the Romifh runnagates, that run thither for preferment, what little refpeet have they often times, and as little content in t heir change ? Roffenfis had a Cardinalshat Pent him, but his head wascut off, before it came. Allis: had a Cardinals hat, but with loth in lining ( means, I mean, to fupport his (late) that he was commonly called the Rarvelling Cardinal!. Stapleton was made Profeffour ofa petty Univerfity, fcarce fo good as one ofour free- ichools in England. Saunders was ftarvcd. "WilliarnRainolds was rominated to a poor vicarage under value. On Harding his holi- neffe bellowed a Prebendof Gaunt, or to fpeak more properly, a gamePrebend. Many others get not any thing, fothat they with themfelves at home again ; and fometimes return in the fame dif contentin which they went. Andtheglory thereof] wherewithhe hoped todazle our Savi- ourseyes (thofe windowsof thefoul) and fo to imprifon his af- fections. But he mi(took himfelf. This heavenly Eagle had ocu- lumirretortum, nothingmoved with thefetemptingobje&s. But how many are there ( alas) that have diedofthe wound ofthe ey e? that have fallen by the hand of this vile (trumpet, the world ? whoby laying forth her two fair brefts ofprofit and plea- furehath caft down many Wounded, as Solomons harlot, Prov.7.26. F4 And Carnd Fli:ùb. fotosry. 7. Jon. z. 8. Numb,; t.8. &eout ne, iem metei, nec locumpcjo ri fortuna re liguerit. 7lt jam nec bone!fd mori,nec vive- re ànbone/lé li- ceret, Metch. Adam. D Featleys. Ttanfnbit. es- ploded.