Trapp - BS2562 T73 1647

The Epiflle Dedicatory. --------r....-._> chargednot toabhorre anEgyptian, becaufe theywere once Deut.z3.7 flrangers inhis land, and had tailedofhis courtefies. The unthankf lland the evil, are fitly let together by our Savi- L°k6.3r, our. And, Ingratum dixerisomnia dixeris, faid the Anci- ents. All that I can do by way of retribution for Your many free favours is, tomake this"publike acknowledge- ment thereofunder mine hand ; that ifany fhall reapbene- fit by what I havewritten, they may fee towhom,in parr, they arebeholden. Now the good Lord that bath pro- mifed a Prophetsrewardtohim that receivethaProphet inthe Mat. 10.41. name ofa Prophet ; He that minißrethfeed to the Ewer, and bath laid, Thatwhefo watereth (ballbe wateredAlfa himfelf: Prov.,,,, s: He that is able tomake allgrace toaboundtowardYou, that You IP/e ptovta e mayaboundtoeverygoodwork : The fame God All-fuffci- Tit, xiantei. ent multiply roarfeecl, and encreafe the fruits of Tour righte- : cor. 9,e,1o, oufnefse, beingenrichedinevery thing to all bountiftelnefe,, , t. which caufeth through us, thank(giving to God. Thisis,and fhall be, Sr,thedaily defireof YourWoríhips, affedionately obfervant lohn Trapp.