Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.3

178 SALVATION OF MAN BY cmitsT. a Redeemer, and it is generally represented, both in thescripture nd by our divines, as one who redeems us both by power and by price. Now the redemption of us by his powerful grace out of the slavery of Satan, and our own lusts, and our rescue from the temptations of this world, belong rather to the other part of this salvation,wherein his sanctifying influences are necessary and requisite : But when Christ is considered as a Redeemer by price, he frees us by the price of his own blood as a ransom, chiefly from the hands of the vindictive justice of God, and from the bonds of the guilt of sin and condemnation, whereby we are held as breakers of the law of God. Yet our redemption from the slavery of sin and Satan, may be also attributed to the blood of ,Christ which purchased sanctifyinggrace for us. The name of a Redeemer is very applicable to both parts of our salvation. So hegave his if a ransomfor many; Mat. xx. 28. He redeemed usfrom the curseof the lace, by being made a cursefor us ; Gal. iii. 13. He redeemed us also by his precious blood as ofa lamb without blemish or spot, from our vain conversation or slavery to sin ; 1 Pet. i. 18, 19. And thouart worthy, for thou oust slain, andhast redeemedus to God by thy blood; .Rev. v. 9. Salvation in this respect is called redemption ; Rom. iii. 24. eternalredemption. ; Heb. ix. 12. and we are said to be bought with aprice; 1. Cor. vi. 20. and therefore we are the Lord's and not our own. Faith applies this benefit to us by our accepting the Lord Jesus Christ under this character as a Redeemer ofour persons from this condemnation, or as our great friend who ran- somed our souls from imprisonment under the bonds of the con- demning law and justice of God, who purchased and ransomed us from our captivity, bonds and miseries in every sense. IX. To sumup all other characters, I add in the last place, Christ is represented ''as our great friend and benefactor, one who came down from heaven to seek and to save lost sinners here on earth : He made a visit to our world to take special notice of all our wants, in order to relieve them all, and to do, and to pro= cure for us whatsoever we stood in need of, inorder to our eter- nal happiness. Under this character he first instructed or taught us the doctrine of our lost estate, and acquainted us with the me- thods of his salvation ; he procured or purchased for us, by his death, not only pardon of sin and future blessedness, but every grace and every blessing which was necessary, in order to our full possession of heaven, and no greater friendship can any man spew to another, than to lay down his lifefor him ; John xv. 13, Under this view salvation or eternal life is called the gift of God by Christ Jesus ; Rom. vi. 23. Abundance of grace, and the gift of righteousness in order to reign in life ; Rom. v. 17. I-Ie bought again for us our forfeited inheritance in heaven. Ob- serve this notion of Christ, as á benefactor respects his doing