Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.3

APPENDIX TO TIIE THIRD DISCOURSE. The Blessing of a Corner-stone, in the building of a Popish Church, taken out ofthe Rituale Romanus. THE flay before the first stone is blessed, let the priest fix a wooden cross on that spot of the ground wherethe altar is to stand ; the next day this stone, which must be exactly squareand well cornered, shall be blessed in this man- ner. The priest having put on his proper attire, his albe or surplice, his sur- cingle and other ecclesiasticalrobes, having some more priests and clerks with him, must bless the salt and the water, unless he has holy water ready before, and while the following Psalm is sung by the clerks, be must sprinkle the place where the cross is with holy water, saying, "Lord Jesus Christ, put the sign of salvation in this place, and permit not the blasting angel to enter." Then the lxxxiv. Psalm issung alternately with responses. When the Psalm is ended the priest turning to the placethat wassprinkled, says, "Letus pray." " OLord God, who although thou artnot contained in the heavensand the earth yet condescendest to have a house here, where thy name is daily invoked: Visit this place, we pray, with the light of thy countenance, by the interces- sion and merits of the blessed virgin, and of all the saints, and particularly saint 10 I. or N. to whose honour this church is built, and purify it from all de- filement, by the infusion of thy grace, and preserve it purified, &c. that all spiritual wickednesses mayAy from hence, by our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with thee for ever." Amen. Then he blesses the stonewith the responses of the clerk or clerks thus : Priest. " Our help is in the name of the Lord." ReSp. "Who made heaven and earth." Pr. " Let the name of the Lordbeblessed." R. " Henceforth, and for evermore." Pr. "The stone which the builders rejected." R. " The same is become the head of the corner." Pr. "Thou art Peter." R. "And upon this rock will I build my church." Pr. "Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost." R. "As it was in the beginning, now is, and ever shall be." Amen. " Let us pray." " Lord Jesus Christ, SOn of the livingGod,whoart the corner-stone cut out of the mountain without hands, and the unchangeable,foundation, confirm this stone which is now to be placed in thy name, &c." Then the priest sprinkles the stone with holy wa- ter, and takinga knife, engraves or scrapes the sign of the cross on every side of it, saying "In the name of the Father, andof the Son, and of the Holy Ghost," making the sign of the cross at each of the three names. Amen. "Let us pray." "Bless, O Lord, this creature ofstone, making the signof the cross, and grant by the invocation of thy holy name, that whoso- ever have assisted with a pure heart in building this church, may have healthof body and the cureof their souls by Christ our Lord." Amen. After- wards let theordinarylitanies be said ; Then the mortar beingready, and the mason standing by, the priest 'begins thus, the clerks following him. "Jacob rose up early iu the morning, and took the stone and set it up for apillar, and poured oil upon thetop of it, and vowed a vow. Surely this place is holy, nd I knew it-not." Thenlet the cxxvii. Psalm be read, "Except theLord build the house,