Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.4

DISCOURSE II . 163 agrees to it heartily ; he would therefore set his own seal to it, and receive a seal from God. He that has a true relishof divine privileges, will long after their increase and enlargement ; ho that has felt any thing of heaven, will get as near it as possible here on earth. Now are these the breathings of oür souls? Have we ever found such divine delight in approaching to God, as makes us long after greater degrees of nearness to him ? We have reason to doubt, whether our hearts ever drew near to God in the common institutions of his worship, such as prayer, read- ing, and hearing the word, if we have no appetite to the special entertainments of his house, and the provisions of his holy table. We may justly question, whether our souls are brought near to God at all, if we have no desire to dwell with him. II. " Ile that feels grace begun in his heart by approaching to God, will be ever pursuing thosemethod's whereby it may be carried on." The very word ow29/S, or edification, which is used in saveral places of the New Testament to signify the growth of grace, does properly mean building up, and seems to have a spe- cial reference to thehouse of God, that spiritual building to which every true christian should belong, and that in a visible manner too. He that was convincedof sin and of righteousness, and was led into the glorious light of the gospel, by drawing near to God in public worship, when lie was before blind and ignorant, will surely seek a greater nearness to God, that he may ensure divine illuminations, and dwell always in the light. He that was sanctified and made a newcreature, by approaching to God in the common ministrations of his temple, will lay himself under all the special advantages that the temple is furnised with, tomain- tain his new nature, and increase in holiness. The communion of the saints, and the fellowship of a church, is an appointed means for the increase of grace, and fruitfulness in every good work; Psal. xcii. 13, 14. " Those that be planted in the house of the Lord, should flourish in the courts of our God ; they shall still bring forthfruit in old age, they shall be fat and flourishing.' And I think I may pronounce this truth boldly, " That soul has nothing of true religion or piety begun; who is perfectly con- tented with any little and low degrees of it, and does not desire its increase. The christian who has found God in his sanctuary accord- ing to his word, longs to be satisfied with more of his special goodness. You may read his encouragements in the words of the prophet; Is. lv. 3, 11. compared with chapter lvi. Lord 4-7.. When the said to him in the public ministry, " Incline your ear and come unto me, hear, and your soul shall live ;. and Iwill make an everlasting covenant with you ;" he heard the invitation of mercy, and he entered into the covenant of the Lord, and he begun to taste his grace : He came, he heard, and L2