Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.4

166 INVITATIONS TO CHURCH- YELLOWSntP. manner they will give themselves up to the Lord in the face of his church. They take pleasure to lay bonds on their souls to walkclosely with God ; and they believe, and rejoice that the great God engages himself at the same time to walk with them, according to his ancient promise ; Lev. xxvi. 3, 12. If ye walk in my statutes, andkeep my commandments and do them, I will walk among you, and will be your God; and ye shall be my people. Besides, a person that is truly brought near to God by Jesus Christ, loves to put himself under the watch and care of Christ, and that in the most express and sensible manner, by coming into his house. He takes up his place there, that he may be guarded from those temptations, whereby the world might allure him to depart from God again. He gives himself up to the care and watchfulness of the pastor, whose business it is to watch over souls: He subjects himself to the watchful eye and care of all his brethren and fellow-christians in the church, that they may be as guards and assistants to him in his holy work. He thinks he can never lay himself under too many obligations to the Lord ; and he. desires that the vowsof Godmay ever abide upon him, tltathis soul maybe kept from all iniquity, and from wandering into forbidden ways. Shall I entreat you now to en- quire whether this be the temper of your hearts ? Have you found so much pleasure in approaching God, and are you so fully persuaded that your happiness consists in it, that you arede- sirous to bind yourselves in the strongest manner to abide with God ? Or do you think you have too many bonds upon you already? And is it for that reason you abstain from the fellow- ship of a church, lest ye should be tied too fast to religion, and have too many eyes and guards upon you ? It is a dangerous sign that you have never been truly brought near to God, if you are willing to live at a looser rate, and are afraid of too many engagements to holiness. V. L0 He that draws near to God in worship, and enjoys the sweetness of the ordinances of Christ, will endeavour to maintainhis public honour in the world." It is by such a public profession, Christ is honoured amongmen, and in his house are his ordinances celebrated. Now should christians refuse this duty, where would be a church to bear up the holy name of Christ in this sinful world ? Where wouldhe a house of God for ordinances to be administered in ? It is therefore out of love to the ordinances where his soul has approached nigh to God, and out of love to Christ, to support his glory, and confess him among men, that such a person will dwell in the courts, in the houseof the Lord, and give up his name to Christ in the fellow- ship of his church. And what can our consciences answer now to suchau enquiry as this? What concern have we for the public