Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

I16 A GVVIDE To PRAYEI(. apart and devoted to God in any solemn office, whilst prayers are made for a divine blessing to descend upon him, imposition of hands seems to be a gesture of nature ; and considered in itself, [cannot think it either unlawful or necessary. With regardto otherparts ofthe body, there is little need of any directions. Calmness and quietness, and uniformity ofpos- ture, seem to be more decent. Almost all motions are disagree- able, especially such as carry with them any sound or noise : for hereby the worship is rather disturbed than promoted, and some persons by such actions have seemedas though they beat time to the ,music of their own sentences. In secret devotion indeed, sighs and groans, and weeping, maybe verywell allowed, where we give vent to our warmest passions, and our whole nature and frame is moved with devout affections of the mind. But in pub- lic these things should be less indulged, unless in such extraor- dinary seasons, when all the assembly may be effectually con- vinced they arise deep from the heart. If we indulge ourselves in various motions or noise made by the hands or feet, or any other parts, it will tempt others to think that our minds are not very intensely engaged, or at least it will appear so familiar and irreverent, as we would not willingly be guilty of in the presence of our superiors here on earth. Offamily prayer.Since it is so necessary for the person that speaks in prayer to abstain from noisy motions, I hope all that join with him will understand that it is very unseemly for them to disturb the worship with motion and noise. How inde- cent is it at family prayer, for personsto spend a good part ofthe timein settling themselves upon their knees, adjusting their dress, . moving their chairs, salutingthose that pass by and come in after the worship is begun ? How unbecoming is it to stir and rise, while the two or three last sentences are spoken, as though devo- tion were so unpleasant and tedious a thing that they longed to haveit over ? How often is it found that the knee is the only part that pays external reverence to God, while all the other parts of the body are composed to laziness, ease and negligence ? Some there are 'that seldom come in till the prayer is begun, and then there is a bustle and disturbance made for their accommodation. To prevent some of these irregularites, I would persuade him that prays, not to begin till all that design to join in the family- worship are present, and that even before the chapter is read; for I would not have the word of God used in a family for any other purpose than the tolling of a bell at church, to tell that the peopleare coming in to prayers. Ofgrace before and after sneat.Since I have spoken so particularly about family-prayer, I would insert a word or two concerning anotherpart of social worship in a family,'and that is, giving thanks before and after meat. Herein we ought to have