Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

. SECTION VII. 75 where Jesus is at the Father's right-hand, more constantly main- tained ? And do ye walk in the joy of the Lord 2 Do ye feel the powerful influence of these holy solemnities engaging you to a more undaunted profession of the name of Christ, and the prac- tice of every duty toward God and man ? Do you find your , hearts more united to your fellow -christians in love, by commu- nicating with them in the same bread and drinking of the same cup, and by this emblem of your visible union to one head evert Christ Jesus ? Are you animated to fulfil ,ditllcult services by these heavenly refreshments ? Do you fluid your souls nourished by this bread of life ? Are you strengthened to bear the fatigues of the christian soldier, and supported by these holy cordials under the daily trials and troubles of mortality ? You ought to . think with yourselves, To what purposehave I eat and drunk so oftenat the table of the" Lord, if my religion bestill in a starving way ? How little influence have all these sacredvows and en- gagements had upon me, if I suffer myself' to neglect ditty or be defiled with sin as often as those who never partake of this enter- tainment ? And think also what a shameful discouragement you give to those who begin to set their faces toward Zion, if an in- habitant of Zion, a member of a christián church, has not some- thing more heavenly about him than those who have not yet separated themselves from this world. V. You who have had long and large experience of the goodness and grace of God through the whole course of life, and are now arrived at a good old age, and drawing near to death and eternity, what do ye more than others ? Do not the invisible things of a future state appear to you in a fairer and stronger light when you are brought so near them ? And have they not more constant influence upon your heart and life ? You who have so often tasted that the Lord is gracious, and have seen so often the interposures of his providence to save you from threatening dangers, and the glorious accomplishments of his promises in the many occurrences of the christian life, are you better acquainted with the worth of these promises, and more ready to trust them upon every new difficulty ? Have you learn- ed to live upon a naked promise more than others, and to expect all from God when you see new distress arising, and the help of creatures failing you ? Do you make it your business to encou- rage younger christians to walk onward in the way of faith and holiness, and that sometimes by telling them what you yourself have seen and felt of the grace of the Lord, as well as what you have readand heard of it in his gospel ? Do ye invite, animate andcomfort the youngerdisciples in the school of Christ at pro- per seasons, and say, Conte all ye thatfear and love the Lord, and Iwill tell you what he has donefor my soul? Are the many çoadescensious of divine mercy to you entirely forgotten ? Is