Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.5

SS' PRttl( g. per. Those six sermonsof prayer, published since this was written, arethe useful laboursof some of my valuable friends, and have many divine thoughts in them ; but they take ih the whole compass of this subject, in all the inward as well as outward parts of the worship' , and therefore couldnot allow sufficientroom to enlargeupon that which is my great design. It is not necessary to inform theworlif, that Bishop Wilkins, in his discourse of the gift of prayer, has beenmy chiefassistant towardthe second chapter of this book ; nor need I tellmy reader what writings I have consulted of the learnedand pious Dr: Owen, and others that havewritten for or against the work of the Spirit in prayer, in order to gain aclearer light, nor what hints T have borrowed from the treatise of a very judicious author, with a fanciful title imlíneed upon it by an unknown hand, and called the Generation of Seekers, wherein several practical cases about the aids of the Spirit are large- ly and well handled ; though 1 had the opportunity of knowing and consult- ing it only since this was in the press. But if there are any advances made here beyond the labours of great men in the last age, I hope theworldwill excuse this attempt ; and if younger christians by perusal of thesepapers shall find themselves improved in the holy skill of prayer, when they get nearest to the throneof grace, I entreat them "td put in one petition for the author, who has languished under great weakness for some years past, and is cutoff from aJl public service. If ever he be restored again, he shall rejoice in farther labours for their good, he shall share in the pleasure of their improvements,and assist them in the work of praise.