Watts - BX5200 .W3 1813 v.7

DISCOURSE 1. 47 given us for this important change. If this life be finished before the image of God be restored to us, this image will never be restored ; but we shall bear the likeness of devils for ever ; and perhaps the image of the brute too at the resurrection of the body, and he further off from God and all that is holy, than ever we were upon earth. Of wha t infinite importance is it then, to be frequently awakening ourselves at special seasons and periods of life, to en- quire whether this image of God is begun to be renewed, whe- ther we have this glorious change wrought in us, whether our desires and delights are fixed upon holy and heavenly things, in- stead of those sensual and earthly objects, which draw away all our souls from God and heaven. Let it appear to us as a matter of utmost moment to seek after -this change ; let us pursue it with unwearied labours, and strivings with our own, hearts, and per- petual importunities at the throne of grace, lest the voice of him who swears that there shall be time no longer, should seize us in some unexpected moment, and lest he swear in his wrath con- cerning us, Let him that is unholy be unholy still, and let him that is filthy be filthy still; Rev. xxii. 11. II. When this sentence is pronounced concerning us, " the season and the means of restoring us to the favour and love of God shall be no longer." We are born children of wrath, as well as the sons and daughters of iniquity ;" Eph. ii. 3. We have lost the original favour of ourMaker and are banished from his love, and the superior blessings of his goodness; and yet, blessed be the Lord that we are not at present for ever banished beyond all hope : This time of life is given to us to seek the re- covery of the love of God, by returning to him according to the gospel of his Son : Now is pardon and peace, now is grace and salvation preached unto men, to sinful wretched men, who are at enmity with God, and the objects of his high displeasure; now the voice of mercy calls to us, " This is the accepted time, this is the day of salvation ; " 2 Cor. vi. 2. " To -day if ye will hear his voice, let not your hearts be hardened to refuse it;" Heb. iii. 15. Now the fountain of the blood of Christ is set open to wash our souls from the guilt of sin ; now all the springs of his mercy are broken up in the ministrations of the gospel; now. " God is in Christ reconciling sinners to himself;" 2 Cor. v. 19. and " lie has sent us his ministers to intreat you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God ;; and we beseech you in his name, con- tinue not one day or one hour longer in your enmity and rebel- lion, but be ye reconciled to God your Creator, and accept of his offered forgiveness and grace," verse 20. The moment is hastening upon us, when this mighty angel who manages the affairs of the kingdom of providence, shall: swear concerning every unbelieving and impenitent sinner, that