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Book II.] HYMNS CLIII. C 5 The saints on earth, and all the dead, But one commtinion make All join in Christ their living head, And of his grace partake. 6 In such society as this My weary soul would rest : The man that dwells where Jesus is, Must befor ever blest. HYMN CLIII. (C. M.) The distemper, folly, and madness of sin. 1 SIN, like a venomous disease, Insects our vital blood ; The only balm is sov'reign grace, And the physician, God. 2 Our beauty and our strength are fled, And we draw near to death ; But Christ the Lord recalls the dead With his almighty breath. 3 Madness, by nature, reigns within, The passions burn and rage, 'Till God's own Son with skill divine The inward fire assuage.' 4 [ We lick the dust, we grasp the wind, And solid good despise: Such is the folly of the mind, 'Till Jesus makes us wise. 5 We giveour souls the woundsthey feel, We, drink the pois'nous gall, And rush with fury down to hell ; But heav'n prevents the fall.] 6 Theman possess'd, amongst the tombs, Cuts his own flesh and cries: He foams and raves till Jesus comes, And the foul spirit flies.] HYMN CLIV. (L. M.) , Self- fighteónsness insufficient. 1 s ii WHERE are the mourners (saith the Lord) That wait and tremble at my word That walk in darkness all the day! Come, make my name your trust and stay. 2 [No works nor duties of your own Can for the smallest sin. atone ; 4. The robes that nature mayprovide, Will not your least pollutions hide. 3 The softest couch that nature knows Can give the conscience no repose': Look to my righteousnessand live ; Comfort and peace are mine to give.] 4 Ye sons of pride that kindle coals With your own hands to warm your souls, Walk in the light of your own fire, Enjoy the sparks that ye desire. , S This is your portion at my hands, Hell waits you with her iron bands ; Ye shall lie down in sorrow there, In death, in darkness, and despair." Isa. 1. lo, 11. 1' Isa. xxviii. 20. VOL. LX, LIV. CLV. CLVI. CLVII. 193 HYMN CLV. (C. M.) Christ our passover. 1 LO, the destroying angel flies To Pharaoh's stubborn land! The pride and flow'r of Egypt dies By his vindictive hand. 2 He pass'd the tents of Jacob o'er, Nor pour'd the wrath divine ; He saw the blood on ev'ry door, And bless'd thepeaceful sign. 3 Thus the appointed Lambmust bleed, To break th' Egyptian yoke; Thus Israelis from bondage freed, And ' stapes tie angel's stroke. 4 Lord, if my heart were sprinkled too With blood so rich as thine, Justice no longer would.pursue This guilty soul of mine. 5 Jesus our passover was slain, And has at once procur'd Freedom from Satan's. heavy chain And God's avenging sword. HYMN CLVI. (C. M.) Presumption and despair: or,. Satan's various temptations. 1 I HATE the tempter and his charms, I hate his flatt'ring breath The serpent takes a thousand forms, To cheat our souls to death. 2 He feeds our hopes with airy dreams, Or kills with slavish. fear; And holds us still in wide extremes¡ .Presumption, or despair. 3 Now he persuades, 'i how easy 'tis Towalk the road to heav'n ;" Anon he swells our sins, and cries, i They cannot be forgiv'n." 4 [He bids young sinners, ". yet forbear To thinkof God, or death; For prayer and devotion are But melancholy breath." 5 He tells the aged, "they must die, And 'tis too late to pray; In vain for mercy now they cry, For they have lost their day. '1 6 Thus he supports his cruel throne By mischief and deceit, And drags the sons of Adam down To darkness and the pit. 7 Almighty God, cut short hispow'r, Let him in darkness dwell ; And, that he vex the earth no more, Confine him down to hell. HYMN CLVII. (C. M.) The same. 1 NOW Satan comeswitirdreadful roar, And threatens to destroy ; He worries whom he can't devour With a malicious joy. 2 Ye sons of God, oppose his rage, Resist, and he'll be gone; N