Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

the Clowd is taken o, f theTabernacle. 9 divine things ; but all thofe things aredone fpiritually and in a way far above the thought or comprebenfion of all crea- turely conceptions. But from all this which hath been fpoken, hence it is clear, That the Tabernacle herefpoken of, is, theglory, wif dome, power-, righteoufneffe of Jefus Chriff, and whatever is HI M SELF, who is nothing elfe but rnajefiy, purity, glory, wifdorn, love, goodnefe, fulnef?e, infìnitneffe, blefedneffe, and Alfufficiency, and allgood ; he alone is the Lord, he alone is King, his is the Kingdom, thepower, and the glory for ever,and no creaturecan without blafpherny in the highrf degree ap- propriate or affirme any one, or any part ofthofe to himfelf; Here nowBeloved, wehave Pet before you the Tabernacle, and the Fire in the Tabernacle. This is that fire of the Lord whichotan never beput out, nor extingulhed, but is ever one and the fame ; it can never decreare nor increafe in regard of himfelf, but onely in regard of manifeftation to us ; and which cannot be procured one day f oner by all the Wifdonm, Learning, Induftry of man, but onely when he is pleafed to. remove the cloud, then have ye liberty tojourney, and walk,, and wo 10 and not before; whatever the dark and blind and thepoor deluded Pons ofinen make.you believe. And furtherbeaßüred, that until you come topofJ 'and enjoy inyour Pelves, thefeípiritttal and divine things, you cannot knowwhat they mean ; andwhatever you do, and whatever you fee, or adore, below thefe, you adore nothing but the patterns and the images of them, wherein no man e- ver yet had any other but a fa/fe reft., and they lived in a falfe light, and enjoyed not the things themfelves; nay , thoughwe fhould know and behold Chrift after the f e/h and look upon him in his Conception, Life, Death, Crucifying,. Bu- rial, Kefurreaion, Afcention, yet all thefe things are but the patternsof the Heavenly things, andof theLord himfelf,which are topáß away andbe forgotten when that Chrifl himfelf is perfonally manífefted; Henceforthknowwe him no nnre, faith the Apoftle. When the Eternal Majefly and Splendour of that which is theTrruth, comes in, all theglory of all other things vanafhes before:its prefence. Thefe are the things which