Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

f, ±r, 8 Nojoxrrtyi>1gfor Ifraei till not one can return : for there is a flaming cherub turning every way to keep the way of the tree of life : And there is none can remove this Cherub, but only theSon ofGod: man with all hiswifdóm and power can do nothing in it ; he with 166.10.21 all his excellencies is gone down for ever into the pit of Dark nee, never to return : Now only Jefus Chrift is the new and livingway, the gate to life, the true Teacher, the only guide, the only VNDE' KTAKE K for all thofe that fhall re- turn : He alone faith to Adam, Where art thou ? haft thou Gen. 3. 4, eaten of the tree whereofIcommanded thee thou fhouldeft not eat, and in the day thou eateft thereof thoufhalt die ? Jefirs Chrift alone is he that difcovars man to be naked, to fee himfelfe undone and miferable, by followinghis own will andwifdom; he alonecan fet up a light in the foule, to Phew man his fol- ly and madneffe : he alone can fet before him Hell, Death, theCurfe, Damnation, andDef}rué&ion. And if man goe about to return in his.own light, or by his own wifedorne, Mat, 2r, he Pets himfelf but more into mifery and darknefe : and even 31(- Publicans and Harlots Mall fooner return then thefe men, ibid. 23. who in their own and others eyes, are thewifèft amen., the g. highefí, the holieft ofthe fons ofmen. And thefe men for all they take fomuch pains, and are fo iritt over themfelves, (as they would be thought tobe) and require it of others, yet they are no other but thole Pharifees and Hypocrits which compafs Sea and Land, to make if poilible ONE Profe- Gen. 2.25 lyte; andwhen he is made, they make him twofeed more the child ofHell then before. While Adam lived in that fate wherein he was created, in the Light of God, and in theGlory of God, in the Wif- dom andLife' of God, man was not afhamed, though he was naked; for the glory and light of God was in him, which was hislife, excellency and glory ; but when hewont Ch. 3.6. hence and followedother Counfel, thewhifpering of the fub- tile Serpent within him, then followed Death, Hell, Mifery, and Condemnation : then he fees his folly andmadneffe in harkning to and givingway to thisfalfeLyar, who before told him he fhouldbetter his condition, and he fhould be like God himfelf. Arid thus feeing and beholdinghis naked- neffe,