Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

the Cloud is ta(en off theTabernacle. dom ofthe flefb and the power of man may be elabliíhed, and that that everlafling,righteous Son ofGod, whichwould be working, living, raigning in man, may be crucified and ut- terlydeftroyed : This they may do, and doe do, and yet may talkmuch ofanoutward and external Chrift,which once dyed at Jerufalem, and pretend much love to him. Never a- ny of the funs ofmen ever received that true Chrift we (peak of, (thoughmuchcryed up in the world) for never any re- ceivedhim, but to them he gave power to become thefans ofGod : Never any received him, norfollowed him, but he denied him- felf, and too/Zup his Crofs : which never any man. did that is riot emptied ofhimfelfe,umade nothing in his own fight, that is not flript of all his power, wifdom,parts, righteoufne e,and whatever manias man)adores : All true Saints are brought to fee this, in experience; they fee,all the worldfeeling them- felves , following after the gods that they have made, and crying up their Diana : they fee all the whole earth al- wales and continually crying out, Not this man,but Barabbas: And they know them to be all Theeves and Robbers. But thefe onely come to ths light, andwakin the light: And the light ofChrift in them hash difcovered,that in man is nothing butlin, and darknefs, and mifery, and condemna- tion : This they really fee, both within thenifelves and without themfelves, that he that wouldbe exalted , is in them brought low, andhe that humbleth himfelfis exalted : Chrift in them, and to them is all in all and this is their Glory, this is their Kingdome, this their Pearl for which they have foldall, thin if their Heaven. Then they corne to fee, as the truth is, that they havenopower, wifdom, excellency, nothing at all but what is to becondemned : and that all their works which are accepted are wrought in God That Jefus is their Wifdom , Kgihteoufnefs , Juflification , Santification , and Redemption : they come to thin light, and theywalk, in this light : they continually fee, that Jefus Chrift hath allpower and wifdom in himfelf he hath not given anypart ofhis ex- cellencies out ofhimfelfe, but whatever is wrought in them, is wrought by Him : they dare not fay, I muff doe and I muff act, and I muft pray that I may be accepted, nor think N 2 as JOh. I. I2 Luk. 14.7 Mat: 27. 2I. Joh.io.8. Luk. 14. II. Mat. 13.. 46. Joh. 3.21 I Cor. 1. 30.