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the Cloudis t.4/Zen offthe rabernacle. T03 age in the world, where thepeoplehave wanted their forms of things in one kind or other;but ye fhall hardly find any age wherein people have lived under and upon the Hea- venly things themfelves. How many patterns and fimilitudes have the Papifis in their Church ? the Pope himfelfin imi- tation ofChrift, can wafh the feet oftwelvePilgrims once in the year ; and fares it any better with thofe that call them- felves members of other Churches, to be only Apofiles in imitation ? fome have one pattern , fome another ; one thinks he bath the trueBaptifine becaufe he hath the fimilr4 tude, andpattern offpiritual Baptifm, which was then by fome ufed by way of dipping in water, Another bath the pattern and fimilitude ofeating Chrifts Body, and drink- ing hisBlood in their breaking of Bread, which was but the typeof the Heavenly bread that was the Body of Chrift. But Chrift faith, except aman eat bisfleßi and drinkbis blood he bath no life in him. Howmany Churches partake of the patterns and fhadows andwhatever they fay, they conclude from thence they are the Church of God : becaufe fay they, we have the right ufe of the Sacraments, which is a fign ofa true Church,becaufe they have thepatterns, types,and jhadows obferving onely outward rules, forms, and carnal ordinances, which all perifh with the ufing ; wherefore, ifye be dead with Chrifi from the Rudiments ofthe world, whyas though living in the world are ye fubjett to Ordinances? yet impu- dently, andblafphemoufly wil they dare to fay they arenot Church of Man, but of God : when they know not the myftery , nor live according to the power of the Hea- venly things themfelves : and therefore herein that Scripture comes to be fulfilled, that men (hall have a form of godlineß, but deny the power of it, for the one may be where theother is not ; and the Apoffle tells us, That he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, but he is a Jew that is one inwardly , whole circum.ifon is of the heart and fpirit, whole praife is not of men but ofGod. So from hence it is clear, many Churches, and many hundred thoufands of fouls may have an exalt pattern, andyet want the Heavenly things themfelves ; they may have thepattern, as the Jews had,' that were faniti%ed and Joh.6.53; ' COI 2. 20. 2TIM; 3. R01E7.2.28: 29.