Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Secret Southfayer, or in the whole world ; for we fee how many men doe daily live in them, ufè them, handle theta, and never yet come to enjoy Chrifl in the Spirit : And all is, becaufe they make thefe forms and duties, and fellowíhips , and waíhings, and eating bread , anddrinking wine, to be no other but graven Images wherein they aft and bieffe themfelves in Exo.32 4. their Idols, and fay, thefe be thy Gods O Ifrael : For there is rao one that ever entred into thefe Forms andModes, mending this, and reforming tother, and thinking this mans falhion i1 better then tother ; I fay there is no one, but bleffes hinl-' felfiri kinghis Idol ; laying (at kalt in their hearts) now God will bleß me, now I am in a better condition, now I have my hearts define ; and to all other men they fay fe- Ufa 6$, . cretly,fandfarther off' Iam holier then thou ; I am in a better way then any other Church, and fo cenfure all that go not is their newfafhion,and after their newCut. But be affared for all thefe thygraven Images which thou hailfo bedecked, and that are fo S AC K ED, that no man may fpeak again$ them but he (hall be cenfured for a Devil, a Blafphemer, a fon of Belial ; yet the Lord when be comes with his light, he will difcover thyNakedneff, thyT7itchcrafts, thy Sorceries, and he will lit thee fee that thou art no Saint, as thou 2 Cor.ii. wouldef}be thought to be, but a Devil transformed into an 14. Angel of light ; and thou fhalt be made to confeffe this, and Hof. 6.4. all thy goodnelLihall be as the morning dew : And thou (halt fee that all thy Inchanters, and Sorcerers, and Magitians, and Peepers, and Southfayers, with all their cunning and neat In- terpretations ofScripture (to ferve their own turns, to main- tain their delufions and forceries) all thefe will not (when Chrifi íhail come in his light) Hand thee in any (lead : But thou and they,fhall be utterly aihanned and confounded to- "gether;,Fahen Chrifl flat once fpeak that word in thee in the Ptal 97 power ofthe Spirit, Confoundedbe all they that wor(hip era- ven Images ; then, both theMaher, the Former, and the Wor- (hipper thereof(hall be in a tnofl miferable condition : In as much, as men have taken more pains about their Idols anti Images, andmade them more neat and curious ; and in as muchas they have (pent more time herein, and have been OLD