Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The HiddenSorcerer, difcoveredo 141 felves ? but having.taken up a Form fuitable to their liking, fay they, now I amfafe, now I am well; what ever others doe, I am in a good condition, I haveïfecuredOne,I am wifer then others , I am holier then they, ¡land farther off, I amnow Efay 65.5 fomebody; and everyparticular Form think themfelves in the belt way , and cenfure all others , anti applaud and deifie themfelves : But in the day of theLord, all thy helps, hopes, Idols, witchcrafts, ¡hall becut off; nothing of thy planting. Thal l fland, but thouhalt be kit empty, :raked, helpleß, hope lelle, fo that thou (halt beutterly fiript of thy whole felfe, and noway left to efcape byall thy forms,wefdom,inventions, and thou fhalt be Jo difireßed that there is nothing left to help thee but a naked Chrifi , onely meer mercy and the good hand of theLord. So that except thou canü f and in this light,and bear thisdifcovery,there is no help for thee. And when man is brought to this condition,he wil look every way for help, any man to direc`7 and offer him any , Gen.., i6 likely way , any Chariot to carry him from the pretence of the Lord, that Hell may not purfue him , and that he may out-run his own guilt ; with Caine he will goe dwell in the Landof Nod, thinking to getfrom the prefence of theLord ; he hath nowwith theProdigal, left his fathers houfe, that is,, he bath put himfelfe out of his fathers love, cart', and pro- tection, and hewill manuage his own portion , and. provide for and dire& himfelfe : but all this is to cover with a cove- ring, but not with theLords Spirit. To the Land of N D Efay 5o. t whats that ? that is to the landofForcetfuhefe, or to the LandofDizzinefe; And there he hath a portion, and patri- mony upon which he tends , and there he happens among HarlotF, and lives byhis own wifdome, and inventions, and he gets tohimfelfe any tl.ing that will but uphold his ípirit;. though he be come al,noft to Beggery, yet he will (hift before he will difcovcr and acknowledge his f lly and beg- gery, he will live upon Husks, upon his own duties; and his own forms (hall be his life , though there is no nonriJlrrnent, Luk.ia,19 no life in them ; And yet he (ayes. to his foule ,,, Soule take thine ea fe, thou haft goods laid upfor manyyears; and there he . feafts himfelfe, lives Delisioufy every day, he eats and drinks, and