Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

ki The Hidden Sorcerer, difcovered. 151 heareyou , or receive what you fay ? Tis true, ifI fhould fay otherwife in regard ofmyfelfe, T fhould alto be a deluder, a lyer, and a charmer, and a South- pryer : Iwould by no means you thouId look at me, or re- gard me, as ifI coulddoe any thing ; I delire to be no other but as a dead infrument ufed by the Lord, and would not be thought of , or efteemed any thing ; I am no more fit tofpeak then any of youall ; if God will fpeak by you , ye may all prophefre one by one as the Apoflle faith. Godforbid that I fhould think my felfe better then any other Saint of God ; or think my felfe more honou- red by Handing in a high place above you : the Lord hee knows my heart. An hill, or a mountain in the field were as fit for me ; any place, Ipaßle not, but onely forconveniency of Hearing: So the Lordwil butfet up himfelfe,and magnifie bis own name (whichhe will doe) let my praife, my glory lie in the duff , and !wouldbe no morefurred and difquieted in fpirit with any frach thing, then a man that is naturally dead. And therefore let them look to it , who love to be called RABBI or by that Blafphemour Title of D I- V INE , and they muff be honoured above other Saints of God ; and they are The Clergie, and others they are but the Layitie, of a meaner rank then we (fay they:) And how doe they love to have greetings in the market,and the uppermoft rooms at Feafts, and the like ? well, let them look to it ; God willjudge them one day for all their Sorceries and inchant- ments, and for framing up between him and his glory, To whom alone all praife is due,but to every man mifery,íhame, confufion of face, blackneffe of darknefTe , hell and condem- nation. But hence we may fee, that it is no new thing to be bewitched by theSorcerers and Inchanters, and Magicians of the world: The Galathians themfelves were fo : for there are many Antichrifs in the world ; there are legions goneout from the Prince of dark.neße to deceive the wholeEarth : And ifany fromChrift fpeak but thetruth , he by his cun- ning devices will difguife it, under the fhape of Herefie, Schzfine, Familifme, or fom.e odious nickname or other;that fo M rh.s3. ,&e.