Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

The Hidden sorcerer, difcovered. 167 the Chrift ; and this is the grand policy of the Devil' who hath wonderfully prevailed in theworld upon this ac- count; True, Chrift is the Devil to the world, and to all fálfeProfeffours : and the workingofman and felf, and of the Devil in man, this is received as the Chrift ; and this is in fuch a white and glorious and innocent Devil tó the world that not all the men in the world, nor all ont of Chrift, could never have difcovered him convincingly, or cafe him out ; tis on'y the finger ofGod that difcoziers, cuts off, and defi royes this witchcraft from among us. But, fo this Devil may not be cart out, he will fhift any way to fave himfelf, he will take up ally form, any way to wo f rp Chri1, be conformable to any external thing, being no other but falfe Apoffles ; And his Minfters'ball be Mi- nifters of righteoufnes, though they bedecirful workers, tranf- forming themfelves into the very likeneffe ofshe eipofiles of Chrift :. as they are called in theCorinthians, 2 Cor. II. 1 314,15. Andno marvaile : for Satan himfel will transformbitufelf into an Angel oflight. Nay, though he be a Devil, yet he will have 'a form o fgod- lineß, as the Apoflle faith, 2 Tim. 3. 3. The word there tranflatedfallï Accufers is, [\ea0oÀ0e] Therefore the Devil mull by nomeans appear to be a Devil : for then he lofes his credit andp®ßßfin,he knowing that ifonce he appears as a devil, as a Devourer, as a Deftroyer, Tormenter, as feeking. the deathof thefoule,' as a r&.d Dragon thirffing after blood ; IfJefus Chrift once dìfcovers him thus far, there is no flay- ing for him in that foule, for then out he mutt; but í1i11 this is the Disels methodand his deepdefigne to hide himfelf, 'fill to appear in away of jugling and Conjuring : as you know the Serpent did toEve, fpeaking to this purpofe ; I come not but for thy good, i come not tohurt or deltroy thee, come to make thee more glorious, more happy, and more like untoGod, m,dre wife, &c. The Devil never appears as a deliroyer, but as a friend to man : he alwayes governs his fubje&s, efpecially in the Religious part of the world, as an Ang.el of light , as hating ungodlineß and the wayes offinne, and-loving the wayes of rigbteoufsell and conformity to the ex. 2 Tim, 3. 2 Cor. H. 14.