Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

ehe Secret Soutbfayer, or but thepiEtures and the fhadows,the (hells and the outfides: the other the Life And the power, the Holy Ghoft andthe Fire it felf.. Now they that receive tbefe things, are indeed the Children of the Free-Woman, and are the true feed ofAbraham: All other are the Children of the Bond-Woman, and are HA- G. AR who is in bondage with her Children to this very day. For as it was with Hagar, fo is it now, and hashbeen alwayes, inall ages andgenerations : The children of the Bond-woman do alwayes exalt themselves, and are very faw- cyand peremptory toward the children of the Free-woman; .why?becaufe they arcCircumcifed,and fubmit toOrdinances, and think themfelves of thefeed of Abraham: therefore they, growproud, lofty, and cenforious, and ufurp too much over the Children ofthe Free-woman, even as their mother befóre them [Hagar] (he defpifed her Miftreß and lifted up her felfe more then wasfit for her : Therefore this is determined con- cerning her ;. Caft out the Bond-woman and her Son : for the Son of the Bond-woman fhallnot be heir with the Son oftheFree- woman : When once the Handmaid (who is in the houle but by fufferdnce)will exalt her felfeabove THE MISTRESSE, and her S ON bornofer the flefh begin to perfecute him that is born after thefpirit, then away with her, calf out both her and her Sons too. And farther, know this that when the appearance of the _power ofChrift comes into the foul : that is, .when the Bond- womanand herfon is cart out, then the foul doth not as Tome imagine and teach, work out its own liberty, nor is it made free by its own power, but Chrift brings in -this liberty with him,and from this liberty thefoule ae&s andworks.The chil- dren of the Free-woman donot work tobe let. free, but be- caufe they are fet free, therefore they workfreely, and cannot but fowork And herein lies a broad. difference between the children of the Bond-woman and the children of the Free-woman: When the Eons of the Bondwoman hear ofany thing that manis required to do) pref4ntly they think to work tbemfelves to it by thfir cape,watchfulnefle, refolution, &c. But nowits quite c¢ntrary with. the foes oftheFree- ' woman