Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

To the Reader. to rife again in its own firength, power, wifdom, nor righteoufnefle; but ifever it rife again, it may, rife din the power, wifdo n, and righteoüfneflfeof Jefus, the Eternal Son of the livingGod. And thus Cod exercfes hispeople unde;the admini- fira,tion ofhis power, by bringing life out of death, mercy out of r ifery, fulnefie out of enzptineffe, ftrength out of weakneffe, fufficiency out of infufi- ciency, joy out offarrow, peace out ofwar, anddoth not break the bruifed reed, nor quench the lima- king flax, until he path brought forth judgment in- to viftory ; andas he begineth and carrieth on his own workfo altohe it is andnone but he thatperfeCs it, asfaith the Apoft!e, he that hath begun a good work will perfear it ; For it was the Eternal loveof the Lordwhichby his Sonplanted the righteous feed in everyfouleofhis, and it isthefame power and love that eaufeth it to grow in thefpirit of man above all carnal power,flrength, or policy;for thepure feedfhal reign tillall its enemies be fubdued, and the fpirits oftbofe in whom it is, perfectly redeemed from the Shrines andVizzards of mortality. oh how it doth chear my heart ! tofee our near and dear 1114 M.ANVF Lfpringingforth unto the blind worldin and through earthen veffels, to the praifeof the glory ofGodsgreat grace, who hath madeus accep- ted in his beloved . Therefore Reader, ifthoufindefß anyof thef e workings in thy own foul, then may, thou know that theyare no fictions, but the real operati- ons ofGods great power; but ifthou look not on them in the light oftruth, there will be no unity between theeand theparty through whom they were uttered ; forhe lives in the lifeofthat whichhere is declared by a 2 words,'