Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

28 The Vail fpreadover All Nations, &c. and to let him fee that he is a turfed, tellifh, damned, undone, miferable creature; andnogood in him at all; And to let Heb. 2.10 him fee that Chrift Jefus alone is the japrdimance appoin- ted of the Father to bring many fons sr lory,and that there is nothing an Ordinance but Chrif alone ; and in vain do men talk and keepJùch aJfir about Ordinances, except Chrifl Ads io. be thepower of every Ordinance : He is ordained of theFather 42.8c 5.31 to be judge ofquiclyand dead ; he is allo ordained to give re- pentance, andforgivenefs of ins; what can an Ordinance doe if he be not the Ordinance, if he be not the power and vertue of all Ordinances ? tis he alone is ordained to be the onlyTea- Mar.23.9. chers and Mailer, and Father ; and therefore call no man Fa- ther Kor Mafler, nor nóexternal Ordinance a guide, but only as he is in it: and therefore, that is in it felf empty and dead, lob t 5.5, andwhatever ails not in thisone Ordinance Jefus Chrift the fon of theFather without whomye can donothing at all, what- ever it be, it is no other but a deceit, a Covering and a- Lye. a