Webster - BX9318 W43 1654

6o TheFathersgreat Love, where is theman that minds him ? but onely Peeks himfelfe, his own reft, and to gtiiet his own heart, and to cover the fmoak, and thecry, and theguilt that lies upon him, and to get comfort to kimJèlf, and then he is fafe, and he thinks he is gotten neer to Jefus Chrift. And when he wants peace, then hebethinks himfelfofwalking moreclofe, and ftri &er to thofeforms and rules that quieted his confcience before;and thushe runs in a round, and makes himfelf, his worlds, and duties his Saviour. For if thou askct thy own heart feri- oufly what is the reafon of thyprayingandgoing into this form, or theother form, is itnot becaufe thou thinkeft God thereforeaccepts thee, and laves thee ? And is not this to de- ny this truth,- that there is nothing but the power of the Father candraw thee, that there is nothing able todraw thee, but the immortal feedand Almighty hand of God and to fay, that fomething elfe is fufficient to draw thee untoChrift ? But here now lies the depth ofthis deceit ; thou draweft in a Religious way, and haft gotten a covering, and a profeflion, and fuch and fuch a&ions into thy hands ; and here thou refteft, and what follows ? thougathereft together, and heap- Hab. 2. 5. eft up all Nations tomake thy felfftrongand f cure;but thou covereft not with. the covering of the Lord; and fo thereby layeftfin upanfin, thou covereft indeed with a covering, that Ela. 30.r. thereby the Condemnation,Hell,andGuilt in thy own heart may not bemade manifeft in thee. Now confider whether ever thou canft come at Jefùs Chrift, who is the 1.ockof Ages, that goeft not in the leadings ofthe Father. But if thy heart did apprehend that thou Ezek. 16. wert that child (whichEzekiel(peaks of) caft out into the o- pen field, and hadft no hand tohelp thee, nor no eye t.9 pity thee; if it were fo with thee, then he would appear in thee, and lead thee : ifthou thoughtft thou waft the ignoranteft creature in theworld : ifthou waft but blind enough, and bad enougb iu thy own fight ; but the mifery of the world lies herein, becaufe they think they fee, therefore their fin remains ;. for there is no difference among all the Eons of men, for All havefinned andfallen fhort of the glory of God om.3.21 Thou mayeft, and I know doeft thin&fo, that there is a dif, ference .1100.1101...