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LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. 113 which time, they had confumed all the provifions which they brought along with them into this folitary retreat: no refrefh- ment was to be procured in the defert, and the kind, compaffionate Jesus would not fend them away falling, left any who had followed him fo far from their habi- tations, fhould faint by the way ; and, therefore, he again exerted his almighty . power to feed the multitude in the wilder - nefs. With this view, our exalted Saviour called his difciples unto him, and faid, I have compoon on the multitude, becaufe they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat; and Iwill not fend them. away fatting, left they faint by the way. The difciples, though theyhad lately had fo plain a manifeftation of divine power on a like occafion, feemed to wonder at the propofal : Whence, faid they, fhould we have fo much bread in the wilder nefs, as to fillfo great a multitude ? Their divine Mafter did not rebuke them for their unbelief, but calmly afked them, How many loaves have ye? To which they re- plied, Seven, and "afewfmallfilhes. Our great Redeemer then commanded the mul- titude to fit down on the ground. And he took the feven loaves, and the fifties, and gave thanks, and brake them, and game to his difciples, and the difciples to the mul- titude; and they did all eat, and were filled : and they took uß the broken meat that was left, feven bafkets full. And they that did eat, were four ihoufand men, be/ides women and children. It is not unworthy of remark, that the bleffed Jesus, during the courfe of his public miniftry, very frequently wrought his wonderful works, and publifhed his divine difcourfes in the filent retreats of the wildernefs, and the folitary fhades of the defert. Here he was followed by great numbers, who were difeafed either in body or mind, and who came after him with a fincere defire of receiving be- nefit, either from the miraculous powers of healing which he poffeffed, or from the No. io. heavenly doétrines which he taught : and, it is not to be fuppofed, that thofe who were not fincerely defirous of receiving inflruaion, would endure the hardfhips to which they were frequently expofed in the wildernefs, where they were fdmetimes two or three days without food: fo that we may obferve the "wifdotn of our great Re- deemer, who took this method to colleR together, the bone{' plain-hearted part of the nation, who were more likely to be affefled with his miracles, and profit by his inf'ruf;lions, than the proud rulers of the people, or the haughty and opulent inhabitants of the crowded cities, And it may be further remarked, that our hea- venly Inftruftor chofe there defert places and obfcure retreats, that he might have the opportunity of conveying his divine doRrines to the perfons whofe hearts were prepared to receive them, without oppofition from the proud felf -conceited Scribes and Pharifees. How happy were the people, who thus fat under the divine inf'ruétions of the Son of God ! who left the bufy, buf'ling fcenes of folly and'dif- fipation in the crowded city, and retired to the filent and folitary ['lades of the de- feet; to attend to thofe things which con- cerned their everlafling peace : thus ex- changing the loud roar of laughter and folly, for the calm, dihlates of eternal wif- dom ; and, giving up the bread that vier- . eth, for that which endureth to everlafling life. After having miraculoufly fed the mul- titude, Jesus departed to the territory of Magdala, and appeared in a province of that country, called Dalmanutha. The Pharifees, having heard that he had again fed the multitude, followed him there; for they feared that the common people' would be convinced by his miracles, and acknowledge him to be the Meffìah ; and they were determined to op,pofe him with all their might, and openly' and publicly confute whatever he advanced, with a view to prevent the nation from owning him under that charafter. E In