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150 The NEw and COMPLETE L I-FE of our BLESSED ther in the fame houfe with their brother " Lazarus. In this little family, our great Redeemer took up his abode, and was joyfully received by the'. religious young man and his virtuous fibers. Whether any former acquaintance had fubfifted -be- tween this family and our great Redeemer, the evangelios have not informed us ; but it feems they were not unacquainted with his charaEler, for he was kindly received, and generoufly entertained. JEsus, as his cuflom was, wherever he went, took the opportunityof difpenfinghisdivine inTtruc- tions; and teaching his hofpitable friends thofe things which concerned their ever - lafting peace. Martha was defirous of éxpreffing her regard to her noble gueft, by providing a grand entertainment ; but Mary, being of a contemplative difpofi- tion, was taken with his divine difcourfes, -and, fitting at the feet of our great Re- deemer, The liffened to his words with the molt camel and beady attention: Martha, being greatly fatigued with the burthen of the fervice, was offended at her fitter, be- caufe fhe did not help her, and complained to our Lord of her otniffion : -Lord, faid the, doll thou not care that my filer hath left me to ferve alone ? Bid-her, therefore, that fie help me. But JESUS, by his anfwer to this dif- -eontented filler, gave her to 'underhand, that it .was -more -pleating to him when perlons attended on his. inftru&ions, and 'liflened to his words, than all -their endea- vours to provide fumptuous entertainments for himfelf and his difciples : he was not infenfible ofany regard which perfons had for him, nor unthankful for their kindnefs, in what way foeverit was expreffed; but as the good of- mankind was his conftant endeavour and care, he always approved thofe expreffions of kindnefs bell, which were mob conducive to that end: nor could he efleem himfelf being fed with the food which perifheth, of -equal conic- quence with his beftowing on others, that which endureth to everlafling life : Martha, Martha, faid he, thou art careful and troubled about many things; but one thing is needful: and Mary hath cho/en that good part, which fzall not be taken from her. From this little village JEsus departed to Jerulàlem, and attended at the Leah of dedication. Being in the temple, and handing in Solomon's porch, he was ac- coifed by the Jews, who elefired him to tell them plainly, whether he were the Meffìah or not? Well knowing, that they did not afk this queftion for information, but to gain an opportunity of accufing him to the Romans as a feditious perfon, who pretended to be the great fon of David, promifed by the prophets, and, . by this means, deigning to fir up the people to rebellion, and feize on the kingdom ; our great Redeemer told them, that they muff form a judgment of him from his actions: I told you, Paid he, and ye - believed not the works I do in 'my Father's name, they bear witnefs of me. But ye believe not, becaufe ye are not of any f eep, .ás Ifuid unto you. It is in vain to difpute, or lay down reafons and arguments to perfons of your temper and fpirit ; youare under the -dominion of your - readitrong-pafftons and wicked hearts, and your inveterate preju- dices, will not be overcome; you are not of the number of thofe whom my Father, by his powerful grace, will bring unto me, and- eaufe to believe in my name ; thefe happy . perfons are affifed- by power from on high, they carefully and - candidly exa- mine thepyoofs I havegiven ofmymiffion, and they believe in me, and -receive me, with all their hearts: nor will'thefe my followers and friends lofe their rewards; for I will willingly receive them, and make them .partakers of eternal life and glory : thofe perlons.I will fupport and defend; I look upon them as my own, and however induhrious or affiduous the wicked of this world, or the powers of darknefs may be to deceive and debroy them, they fhall never effect their purpofe ; for I Band de- termined to bringthem fate to my heavenly kingdom, and all their enemies may rage in vain ; my Father hath given them to me: