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and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, and his APOSTLES, &C. 157 fhould he attack one who had fuch vafl profpe&s of pleafure and delight before him, and gloried in the expeétation of many happy years to come ? He ails ac- cording to his commiffron from above, and the awful firoke no mortal can efcape or evade a moment. Then all is over ! Let me thinkwho (hall be my heir, but reafon failed; and, before that important point couldbe fettled, the poor deluded mortal expired. And now, inflead of a long fue- ceflion offenfual delights, an awful eternity prefents itfelf to view, and the poor foul is terrified and plunged into the depths of defpair and horror, at the profpefI of judgment to come. A dark night of horror in an inflant overwhelms that foul, which had promifed itfelf fo much eafe and plea- fure ; and, infleadof eating, drinking, and making merry ; inftead ofgay fcenes of dif- fipation, and a variety of fenfual delights; eternal tortures, unfpeakable third, weep- ing, wailing, and gnafhing of teeth, mull be the portion of this miferable being to all eternity. So is he, added our great Redeemer, that layeth up treafure for himfelf, and is not rich toward God. Thus (hall he be taken away from all that his foul defireth; thus (hall he be torn from all his temporal prof - peas and pleafures ; none of his beloved enjoyments (hall follow him; naked as he came (hall he depart out of the world; nor could all his riches, could he take them with him, be able to procure him the leaft comfort or refpite in this world of horrors. How fhould this refle&ïon awaken us from our pleafing dreams of comfort and hap- pinefs, in this world of mifery, this vale of. tears : how fhould it convince us of the uncertainty of all fublunary good, and the utter impoffibility of the things of this world to fatisfy the foul, or make us truly happy : how' fhould it alarm us, when planning fancied fchemes of worldly plea- fure or advantage, without the leaft confi- deration of the great, Difpoferof all events; how fhould it reconcile us to the difpofal of .Infinite Wifdom, when our portionof Q q temporal myfoul, Soul, thou haft much goods laid up for many years ; take thine eafe, eat, drink, and be merry. But God faid unto him, thou fool, this night thyfoul (hall be required of thee : then zohofe (hall thofe things be which thou hall provided ? What an awful fummons was this ! How unexpeRed, how alarming, how dreadful ! The man lying on his bed, full ofanxiety, care, and folicitude, not to acquire wealth, but how to make room to lodge it, and how to enjoy it : doubtlefs he thought, that riches gave him a title to every gratifica- tion and enjoyment which the world can of-' ford, or the fenfe and appetite of man par- take of ; his reftlefs thought ranges through the wide fields of diffipation and pleafure, and fuch numerous fcenes of imaginary delight prefs on his ravi(hed fenfes, he knows not where to fix. In the midfl of this pleafing perplexity, a ftrange meffen- gerftrikes at his breaht. Who is it that thus alarms him? It is the great king of terrors, he comes commiffioned to deftroy ; the cafe admits of no refufal or delay. Is there no refuge ! is there no deliverer! Call the phyficians : they inftantly attend, but with looks folemn and fad. What ! is there no hope? So often as you have par- took of my bounty, and fuch obligations as you are under to me. They all, with grief, declare the cafe beyond their art Then fay, how long I have to live.The compafsof the night concludes your earthly tace.How fhort the warning, and with what hail)/ steps the dread deftroyer ad- vances to flop my breath ! But is there no way to appeafe him, and engage him to hold his hand ? Will he not be perfuaded ? He makes no agreement or league with any. Will not pity excite him, or peti- tions move him? He knows no pity, and he hears no prayers. Will not my riches bribe him ? Riches are unavailable in the hour ofdeath ; nor will mountains ofgold delay the awful ftr-oke one moment. But how many wretched creatures are there who would be glad of his friendly aid to deftzoy a loathed exiflence? Why then No. 14.