Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

vi The PREFACE. C 0 L RA I N E being vacant by the death of the father, prefented a call to the fon ; fo there being a competition between that con- gregation and Antrim, the matter was referred to the general * fynod, who gave their de- cifion in favour of Antrim, where Mr. Abernethy was ordained, Augufl 8, 1703. A little after this he married Mrs. Sufannah yordan, whole father was dead, and her mother married to Dominic Heyland, Efq; of Ca/lleroe. Mrs. Heyland was a woman of a very uncommon charaaer, much ad- mired, efpecially for the generofity of her fpirit and tender affe&ions, and for molt exemplary piety. Her daughter Abernethy had, with great fuccefs, imitated the fair pattern the had every day before her; and Mr. Abernethy found himfelf every way happy in the conjugal relation. His congregation at Antrim was a large one, and he applied himfelf to the paftoral * That is, the yearly meeting of the whole diffent- ing minifters afòciated in the North, with a ruling elder for each minifter. This, according to their con f4itution, is the high& church judicatory, to which ap- peals he from letter affociations, ufually called Subfy- nods: As to thefe la{}, appeals lie from the feveral Pre - fbytries within their bounds. work