Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The Gofpel a Law of Liberty. 29 out conftraint ; but furely it cannot be difficult S E R M. to determine whether the liberty of a man or IL a beaft be the moft valuable, and whether the ""'"'t real excellence of that privilege does not al- ways depend on, and is proportioned to the wifdom with which it is exercifed. A man in a fever, or a difturbance of mind from any other outward caufe, ads with all the appear- ance of freedom, and yet no one will fay that he is really free ; which muff refs on this principle as its foundation, that the exercife of true human liberty depends on the exercife of reafon, and Rill the lefs reafon, the lefs li- berty. Again, as the creator of all things is infi- nitely good, he muff have beftowed this high prerogative on man, not to make him mifera- hie, but to make him happy. But, if we confider the intire hnman conftitution, it will appear that the ufe of liberty without reafon or againft it, tends to mifery. We cannot be happy otherwife than in the harmony of our powers and affections ; and if there mutt be harmony there muff be government, a fubor- dination of forne to others, becaufe our affec- tions have very different, nay, very oppofite tendencies. The man who gives himfelf wholly up to the direction of his fenfes and appetites, will find that the fuperior faculties make li