Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The Gofpel a Law of Liberty. they have concerning the divine law, and the threatnings contained in it, fo is their terror ; and the Jewifh law being the molt exprefs in this point, without declaring the remifion of fin, it is, therefore, called the minration of death and of condemnation ; and they who were under it, received the j irit of bondage to fear, as the apoftle fays, Rom. viii. is. But, Chrift Jefus having tailed death for every man, and being, in order to reconcile us to God; as mediator, made par- taker of flefh and blood, that by death he might defray him who had the power of death, that is the devil, he has by his law of grace proclaimed forgivenefs, and an immunity from the punifhment of fin to fuch as fin - cerely repent, thus exprefs'd, Heb. ii. is. to deliver them who through fear of death were all their life time fubje5l to bondage. Upon which they who are fo delivered re- ceive the fpirit of adoption, whereby they ferve God and obey his commandments with freedom and chearfulnefs. Thirdly, The gofpel is a law of liberty, as it frees chriftians from the burthenfome rites of the Mofaic inftitution. When God was pleafed to feparate the Ifraelites for a peculiar people unto himÇelf, and form them into