The PREFACE. along reprefented with much exadtnefs ; the various events he met with, his reflections upon them, and his improvements of them : The whole bearing fuch charaâers of a reverence, and awe of the divine prefence upon his mind, of fimplicity and fincerity of fpirit, and the molt careful difcipline of the heart, that, how great foever his repu- tation in the world was, it (hews its real worth rather exceeded it. Tins diary begins with a review of his paft life, even from childhood, and a very careful examination of the prefent moral "late of his mind ; which takes up many pages, and is too long to be here inferted. But it difcovers a fpirit thoroughly fenfible of the importance of religion, fully con- vinced of the truth and divine authority of the religion of Chrift, and in calling him - felf to an account, not only impartial but Leyere. He fearches narrowly into his own defefs, and writes like one that wrote only for himfelf, laying open the inmoft of his heart. Then he confiders the true defrgn of chriftianity by the knowledge of which we are helped to a right underflanding of the terms of our acceptance with God. He obferves