40 The Gofpel a Law of Liberty. S E R M. ruler of the world will finally snake ; and H. our accufing and excufing thoughts are the "v.") prefages of that fentence which the great lawgiver will pats upon us according to our works. But the gofpel has afcertained this matter more particularly and exprefsly to all who believe its divine authority, as is evi- dent from numberlefs paffages in the Evan- gelifts. And we fee that St. Paul, Rom. ii. 14 -17, having mentioned the rational ar- guments taken from thofe natural notices God has given of their duty to all men, adds in the 15t1í ver. this pofitive exprefs declaration, explaining the manner of the judgment. In the day when God (hall judge the fecrets of men, by Jefus Chrift, according to my go/pel. Not meaning that the gofpel shall be the rule of proceeding with all men in the great day of their final accounts, which it cannot be, particularly with refpef to the Gentiles, who never heard of chriftianity, and of whom he is there particularly fpeak- ing ; but that the gofpel has fix'd it as an important article of our belief, that God will judge every one of mankind by ,7efus Chrill according to the law they were un- der. And, this certainly is a very ftrong argu- ment for the praftice of our duty in every particular