The Gofpel a Law of Liberty, 43 ther than ever the divine inftitution intended, SE R M; for they pronounced men of other nations, II. and religious profeffions, hated and accurfed of God ; therefore, worthy not of their friendly regard, but of their averfion and contempt. But chriftianity has taken away all fuch diftin&ions, and thofe reftraints of charity, which muff bç difagreeable to a kind and generous temper ; it gives full fcope to the principle of benevolence, which may now exert itfelf with an unconfin'd free- dom, not narrow'd by kindreds, particular denominations, and outward badges of di- ftintion. Chrift died as a propitiation, not for the Jews only, but the whole world, and gathered together into one, the children of God who were fcattered abroad. The gofpel being, therefore, in this refped, a law of liberty, the fpirit becoming it is a large and generous one, an extenfive charity, not li- mited by thefe outward and partial confide - rations whereby men ftraiten the heft difpo- iitions of their own nature. According to the law by which we expel to be judged, fo fhould our tempers and our aaions be. If then, the royal law of charity which re- quires good -will and the proper expreffions of it to all men, and a hearty love, with a peaceable affectionate behaviour towards all men,