Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

44. The Gofpel a Law of Liberty. S E R M. men, who in every place call on the name of II. the Lord Jefus, of whatever tongue, kindred, or nation they be, or whatever outward con- dition in this world ; if this be the rule of judgment, what hope can profefs'd chriflians have, what confidence towards their fupreme, righteous judge, in a partial and unmerciful difpofition ? Will the law of liberty acquit us in confining our charity, in appropriating our refpeft to the rich, while we defpife the poor, or in making any fuch diflinftion, in- deed, any diflinflion which does not affeft the true foundations of mutual love. Nay, the apoflle adds, in the words immediately following the text, and as a fequel of it, for be fball have judgment without mercy, who bath (hewed no mercy, and mercy rejoiceth again( judgment ; that is, the man whole confcience approves him as impartially cha- ritable and merciful in his difpofition, and his whole converfation, (hall afiùre his heart before God, having confidence in the ex- peflation of the future judgment and good hope that he (hall not be condemned. Thirdly, There is in the exhortation of the text a defigned reference to the univer- fality of our obedience, as that only which can give us hope of being acquitted in judg- ment,