Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

The PREFACE. xi obferves that the very effence of faith by which chriftians are juftified, confifts in a full confent of foul to the gofpel, as con- taining the will of God for our falvation ; and in purfuance of that, a chearful and unreferved fubmiffion to the laws of it ; the tendency of all which is to purify the heart and life, to deliver men from the fpirit of this world, that is, from pride, covetouf- nefs and all corrupt delire ; to prepare them for the love of God, refignation to him, confidence and delight in him ; and for the performance of all good offices to others with undiffembled charity. He obferves that the gofpel is admirably adapted to an- fwer thefe ends, not only by the excellency of its laws, but by the love and mercy of God to mankind, and the love of our Sa- viour, declared in it; by the promifes of all neceffary divine aid, and of a happy im- mortality. Then he reprefents his own fentiments and temper with refpet to all thefe things, and towards the conclufion goes on thus ; " I have, after calling upon God, reviewed all that I have written " upon this inquiry ; I dare fay, in his " fight, that my foul approves the defign " of the gofpel, and heartily concurs with C'