58 Of Repentance. S E x wt. break off his fins by fhewing mercy to the III. poor; let the lewd and voluptuous become 4') chafte and temperate ; the wrathful and contentious put on bowels of mercies, humble - neni of mind, forbearing and forgiving the weak and the injurious; in fine, let us * put the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lulls, and put on the new man, which after God is created in righteoufnef and true holinefs. All the facred writers with one confent, continually urge men to this, as the only effectual way to obtain reconcilia- tion with God, and the remißîon of all their fins. The prophets under the Old Teftament infift upon it as well as Chrift and his apoftles, affuring the yews, that without it all their facrifices and other external rites would be unavailable to their acceptance with God ; that indeed God was ready to forgive their iniquities ; though their fins were as fcarlet, and red like crimfon, he would make them white as flow and wool; but it is upon the condition of their wafting and making them clean, putting away the evil of their doings, ceafng to do evil, and learning to do well ¡I. No more taking pleafure in their former finful courfes, rigoroufly exa&- ing the labours and fervices of the poor, and Ephef. iv. 22, 24. Ifaiah i, i6. x8. grinding