Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Of Repentance. 65 and purpofes may be. The ± adulterer, the S E R M. forcerer, the railer, the covetous, the drunk- M. ard, (hall not inherit the kingdom of God, L"'' tho' they fhould often with deep humility and regret confefs their fins, and in their con- feffions and griefs incline and refolve to alter their courfe of life ; yet they do it not, but it happens to them according to the proverb, as St. Peter expreffes it, fi The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the few that was wafhed, to her wallowing in the mire. I think no attentive perfon can doubt but this is the dottrine of the holy fcriptures upon the head of repentance ; at leaft, that a virtuous courfe of life, ordering our con - verfations aright, being undefiled in the way, walking in the law of the Lord, doing no iniquity, and keeping God's precepts diligently, is abfolutely and indifpenfably neceffary to our being bleffed in enjoying the favour of God. It is a wonder that any chriftians fhould have gone into other fentiments, force even in (peculation and opinion, many more in the fecret fond prefumption of their hearts, not fupported by any avowed principle, ima- gining that humiliation, and contrition, and ineffeftual purpofes of amendment, would at laic be fufficient to their acceptance with t x Cor. vi. g. 11 2 Pet. ii. 22. VOL. I. F God,