The PREFACE. xiii " world, or any other confideration, is the `c object of my fincere affection ; my heart `C would be glad to do a good office to a cc difciple in the name of a difciple, and to cc do good, as I have opportunity, to all " mankind. What then upon the whole " Thal! I conclude? That, according to the " gofpel declarations, I am in a Rate of favour with God ? Yes, I will, and muff do it. Surely thefe are the genuine cha- ratters of it, according to the fcriptures. " Therefore condemning myfelf for mani- c' fold pall offences, and adoring the rich " mercy of God, I will fay to my foul, `c that I am the objeft of his approbation " and love." Concluding all with praifes and thankfgiving in moll affectionate ffrains, and with refolutions of conducting his life for the future fo as to pleafe and honour God : particularly with refpect to his bufinefs as a minifter, of the dignity and importance of which he expreffes a high fenfe, and great pleafure in it, with earneft defires that he may, by the afliftances of God's holy fpirit, be enabled to anfwer the true ends of that honourable fiation. IT