72 Of Repentance. S E R M. evidence that men are fincere in confefling III. their fins. Nay, upon the unhappy fuppofition that our repentance is thus imperfect, that we are forry for our fins, confefs them, and purpofe to reform, without actually reform- ing; our guilt is thereby greatly aggravated, and the feparation between us and our God, which our iniquities have made, is in- creafed. I do not now put the cafe of in- fincerity, which is always difpleafing to that God who loves truth in the inward parts, but allowing that men really, and in carnal are grieved for their tranfgref- fions, and confefs them with deep con- trition of foul ; upon that fuppofition, if it can be made, without amendment of life, the fins in which they continue are very much heightened, becaufe they are committed againft the plaineft and molt fenfible connections of their own minds, and ftill the affront to God is the greater, the more it is done in defiance of light, and with our eyes open. I cannot now finifh what I intended in this difcourfe, and (hall for this time con- clude with exhorting you to confider fe- rioufly,