Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Of Repentance. 79 knowingly and wilfully committed, efpe- SE R m. cially relapfed into, after profeffed forrow IV. and purpofes of amendment, is a violation `'Y.-4 of the chriílian covenant, a forfeiture of our claim to the favour of God according to the laws of the gofpel, and fubjeds fin-. ners to his indignation. What in this cafe is to be done ? I have faid already thefe are not the perfons to whom the dofrine of re- pentance was originally preached, nor to whofe condition it is accommodated in the general firain of the New Teflament. In- deed their condition is much worfe, their guilt is more aggravated by fuch bold and pre - fumptuous defiance to the light of their own confciences, and contempt of the gofpel grace ; the fpirit of God is grieved, their hearts more hardened, and their reformation rendered more difficult, as St. Peter fays, 2d epif}. ii. 21. It were better for them not to have known the way of rig hteoufn fr, than after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment. But after all there is no other remedy ; repent they muff or perifh. Tho' the fcrip- ture fpeaks but fparingly of their cafe, and of that duty with an application to it, as it is not reafonable fuch ample encouragement fhould be given to them as to thofe who finn'd