So Of Repentance. SE R M. finn'd in ignorance, and whofe fins were in IV. fome fenfe connived at, yet the plain reafon `--10.'N# of the cafe will dire them to this, as the only way for obtaining forgivenefs and fal- vation, notwithftanding all the difadvantages they have brought themfelves under, and all the difabilities they have contrasted for performing it. And yet the fcripture is not wholly filent concerning this cafe, and the neceffity, and even the hopefulnefs of re- penting in it. The prophets often call upon the Jews (whofe condition in this refpest was parallel to that of chriflians) in fuch terms as thefe, * return ye backJliding chil- dren, for I am married to you. The cove- nant on God's part fhall £till ftand, if ye will forfake the fins by which you have violated it and revolted from him; and f- tho' thou hall plaid the harlot with many lovers, yet re- turn to me faith the Lord. That is, for fo the figurative expreffion lignifies, tho' thou art guilty of heinous aggravated offences, and particularly of idolatry, which was an effential breach of the covenant, yet there is room for repentance. And in the New Teflament, as we find the cafe of apoftacy fuppofed, or of infincerity, that is of wilful tranfgrefíions under the chriftian profeffion * Jer. iii. r ç. t Jer. iii. r. and