The PREFACE. xv thofe efpecially, which he apprehended had the afcendant in his natural complexion and temper, and by which he was in the great - eft danger of being betrayed into errors in conduft, with much exaftnefs, and many ufeful refletions upon them; with great care applying himfelf to find out the deceit - fitlnefs of fin, and to difcover that falfe co- louring of principles and affe &ions, which frequently impofes upon the unthinking and partial, and under the cover of which, bad difpofitions and actions often fhelter them- felves, indeed are recommended as virtuous. And as he was at pains to fortify himfelf by all proper means, againfi whatfoever might endanger that exalt integrity which was the fubje& of his confiant attention and care, fo where he was confcious of having failed in any infl:ance, he does particularly record it, and his exercife of repentance for it. And where he had aced his part hap - pily, and approved himfelf to his own heart, this is likewife fet down with proper re- fledions for his encouragement and effa- blifhment in virtue. Never fure was there a fcene where the various workings of the human heart, and the proper difcipline of it, are more fully and affctingly difplay'd. He