Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

Of Repentance. 93 Holy Spirit to help our infirmities, to en- S E R M. lighten our darknefs, and to ftrengthen our IV. feeble powers ; and if after all we will re- `'YJ main impenitent, and defeat the belt means, and gracious efforts of mercy for our reco- very, our ruin muff be wholly charg'd on ourfelves. And, laflly, the kingdom of heaven, or the gofpel, has brought life and immortality to light, and fince we bave entrance with bold - nefs into the holiefl of all by the blood of 7efies, by that new and living way, which he bath comfecrated fir us, through the veil, that is to fay, his flefb. The apoftle's inference is very juft, Heb. x. 22. Let us draw near with a true heart, in full afurance of faith. having our hearts fprinkled from an evil con - fcience, and our bodies wafhed with pure waters ; that is, let us come to God in the exercife of faith and unfeigned repentance : It is true, that reafon itfelf and natural reli- gion carries no fmall light into futurity. When we confider the moral perfections of God, from which we infer that fome time or other he will make a diftindion between the good and the bad, which is not done in the external adminiftration of providence here, for as Solomon obferves, Eccleef ix. 2. 411