xvi The PREFACE: He likewife frequently compares the prefent Rate of his mind, with what it was in times pall, carefully obf rving, whether he made advances in religion and virtue, or was falling beneath former attainments ; and, as he was for fome years labouring under fre- quent depreflion of fpirit, tho' concealed from the world, his confli is with imagi- nation, while it diftreffed him, and his rea- fonings with himfelf for his fupport and en- couragement, are all fet forth very partial-, larly. BUT there is nothing he attended to with greater exaanefs, than the manner and temper in which he performed the public fervices of religion. The examining of thefe ap- pears to have been part of his bufinefs every fabbath- evening ; and in the refleaions made upon fuch oscafions, the fimplicity of his fpirit in purfuing the true ends of religion+ and the miniftry, and his ardent zeal, do molt affefingly appear. He expreffes great difpleafure with himfelf, when vain or un- reafonable thoughts had infinuated them - felves fo, as to leffen or interrupt his atten- tion to divine things ; or when he had not thofe feelings of devout affeéion, and of love