Abernathy - Houston-Packer Collection BX9178.A33 S4 1748 v.1

S E R M O N V PETER'S denial of his Mailer, prac- tically improved. Matth. xxvi. 74. Then began he to curfe and to fwear, faying, I know not the man, and immediately the cock crew. TH E S E words relate an event in its S E R m. kind one of the molt remarkable V. we meet with in fcripture; an emi -L.---v-- nent chriftian, nay, an apoftle of Chrift, fuddenly caught in a very heinous defeFt.ion from his duty, even the denial of his Lord with curling. From whence, if we confider it ferioufly with all its circumflances, many ufeful inftruEtions to us will arife, which (hall be the principal fubjed of this difcourfe. But, in order to proceed the more diftindly, it will be neceffary, firfl, to Rate the fad, The Apoftle Peter, whofe charafter by the accounts which the gofpel hiftory gives of H 3 hint,